Example 2 Notes average calculations Suppose you are a student who plans to score an average of 80 in your semester exam. It means that you can complete the loan in less than a year in 11. If you analyze the value in cell B2, you could find that it is 11. Now your window will look like this: Click OK and now your screen will look like this: Step 3. After clicking in the By changing cell: textbox, click the cell B2 as we want to find out the change in number of payments number of months. In the To value: textbox, enter 2500 as this is our new value. Click in the textbox next to Set cell: and click the cell E1 as we need to analyze the result by changing the monthly payment. Open Excel 2010, copy the data shown above and save your file as what-if analysis. Here comes Goal Seek function into picture. All remaining data including monthly EMI, monthly payment towards principal, monthly payment towards interest and remaining amount to be paid each month are calculated using financial formulas. We will be using this data to perform what-if analysis. Have a look at the data given below don't get scared. Using Goal Seek function, you can change the data in formula and analyze how it affects the end result. There are three different tools available in Excel to perform what-if analysis: scenarios, data tables and Goal Seek. You can use what-if analysis to estimate your monthly savings that meet your retirement goals, find the return rate of an investment, plan your budget and so on. You use formulas to calculate an output by providing inputs whereas what-if analysis helps you find out what input will result in a specific output. In other words, what-if analysis can be considered as opposite to formulas. What-If analysis is the process of calculating backward to find out an input by providing a specific output.
Learn how to use INDEX MATCH MATCH in this Excel tutorial.

To see how these can be combined in a powerful way with the CELL function, we break it down for you step by step in our.

The best part was learning the short cuts. In other words, you could change A3 to 100 and note the change in profit in C3. You can find related examples and features on the right side of each chapter. ※ Download: ?dl&keyword=what+if+analysis+in+excel+in+hindi&source=